From the Desk of Jim Green
The Rise of Modern-Day Check Washing and What You Need to Know To Protect Yourself
In today's advanced world, check fraud goes beyond simply forging a signature. One common type of check fraud is check washing, which involves chemically deleting a check's details, then replacing the information. The original dollar amount of the check is usually...
Identifying a Falsified Birth Certificate – What Experts Look for and How to Spot the Signs
Birth certificates are essential legal documents that serve to establish an individual’s identity and citizenship. However, in recent times, the rise of fraudulent activities surrounding fake birth certificate 's has become a cause for concern. As a result, experts...
Holographic Wills and the Essential Role of Forensic Document Examiners in Estate Disputes
A holographic will is a type of will that is entirely handwritten and signed by the testator. While not recognized in all states, holographic wills are considered valid in some jurisdictions as long as specific requirements are met, such as the handwriting being...
Exploring the Chemistry of Ink – How it Can Help Detect Fraudulent Documents
Ink may seem like a relatively straightforward substance, but at its core, it's a complex mixture of pigments, dyes, solvents, and other chemicals that can reveal much about the pens we write with it. That's where ink chemistry comes in - the study of how different...
Unlock the Untapped Benefits of Learning Cursive Writing – How It Can Boost Your Cognitive Functioning and More
When was the last time you wrote in cursive? If you're like most people, it's been a while. Perhaps it is time to pick up the pen and write more. Research has shown cursive writing can have a positive impact on your cognitive functioning, brain development, and...
Exploring Our Currency and an Unusual Signature Design
Although we handle currency on a regular basis, we rarely take time to appreciate the many "parts of the puzzle." The security features of our "notes," or currency, are varied in type, size, and location. The signature design adds an additional layer of security as...
Disputing a Legally Binding Document? Consider Using an Expert.
Signing a legally binding document is a significant moment - an agreement between two or more parties that seals the terms of an arrangement in writing. However, confidence in the binding aspect of the document may diminish if a dispute develops. Challenging the...
Uncover the Truth with a Document Examiner: How to Dispute a Small Estate Affidavit
When it comes to small estates, the importance of properly executed paperwork cannot be overstated. A small estate affidavit is a legal document used to transfer assets from an estate to its beneficiaries. Occasionally, disputes arise over the ownership of property or...
James A. Green,
Forensic Document Examiner
2456 Suncrest Ave,
Eugene, OR 97405