From the Desk of Jim Green
How Document Examiners Form an Opinion in Handwriting and Signature Analysis
When evaluating questioned handwriting or signatures, document examiners follow a meticulous process to ensure accuracy and reliability. However, before reaching a conclusion, they must first assess the quality of the evidence available. Several key factors influence...
Indented Writing
When investigating questioned documents, even the smallest details can provide significant insights. One often overlooked aspect is indented writing, a subtle yet critical element that can help uncover the truth in legal, financial, and personal disputes. Indented...
The Role of Handwriting Experts in Mortgage Fraud Cases
Mortgage fraud has been a serious issue for homeowners and remains a concern in legal and financial circles. In some cases, fraudsters forge signatures on mortgage documents to alter loan terms or transfer property ownership without the homeowner’s knowledge. While...
The Science of Handwriting Comparisons in Document Examination
Handwriting comparisons are among the most common tasks for handwriting experts in private practice. But how is handwriting differentiated between individuals? The answer lies in the unique characteristics that develop as writers transition from learning standardized...
Uncovering the Truth with Ink Dating in Document Examination
Ink dating is a specialized forensic process that plays a crucial role in verifying the authenticity of documents, especially those where disputed dates or "self-serving" entries could influence the case outcome. When a person claims a handwritten entry or signature...
5 Fascinating, Famous Document Forgeries
Handwriting is unique to each individual, which is a fundamental principle of forensic handwriting comparisons. For this reason, even the most skillful forgeries often leave behind telltale signs that a trained Forensic Document Examiner can detect. The ability to...
Forged Signatures: A Common Occurrence
Forged signatures are one of the most common forms of fraud and can result in significant financial losses. Forensic Document Examiners are frequently called upon to provide expert analysis in cases involving signature comparisons. What is Signature Forgery? Signature...
5 Reasons Why You Need To Have a Will
Here are five reasons to have a will and why you should consider writing one sooner rather than later: Of all the tasks that can be done during the summer months, drafting a will may not be at the top of your list. While it’s tempting to focus on vacations or home...
James A. Green,
Forensic Document Examiner
2456 Suncrest Ave,
Eugene, OR 97405